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Author name: admin-binate


International Women’s Equality Day

No one is new to the topic of women’s suffering. Be it within the four walls of their safe spaces called homes, their workplaces, or society at a holistic margin. Women have been striving to pave the way for what is fair and right for years. Feminism may sound like a trend recently talked about, but it dates to the time way back in the past. May not with the same name, but with the same spirit; it can be traced within Islamic history with entrepreneurial figures such as Khadijah-bint-Khuwaylid, the first Woman of Islam, furthering First-wave feminism in the late 19th century, where the conversation overturned towards the legal inequalities. Second-wave feminism broadened the horizon, contributing to the cultural, gender, and societal inequalities based on a woman’s role. Since then, women have been striving for excellence and their due acknowledgment and have broke quite many glass ceilings. In doing so, organizational inclusivity has played an immense role. Organizations all around have been fostering the spirit of women’s equality by opening crucial job positions for women, enabling a workplace environment supportive enough for their well-being, introducing policies safeguarding them, and fostering confidence in them to make autonomous decisions. Binate Digital is one such company that not just appreciates but celebrates its women workforce. Celebrating Our Women To do so, we invited all our female staff on International Women’s Equality Day to a session designed to empower and inspire all others in the room, highlighting the remarkable achievements of women throughout history and within our own company. We delved into discussions on women’s empowerment and explored avenues to further support and uplift each other within our professional journeys. In addition to the empowerment discussions, the session included fun team-building activities aimed at fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among all.     Starting from the ice-breaking activity that circled around introducing oneself with name designation, yet it wasn’t so simple. Everyone was asked to tell one lie and truth about themselves for the others to guess which is what. It broke all the coldness amongst the audience, where they put their heads together to guess the vice and virtues of the person standing.     The trainer of the session introduced the concept of Personal Branding to all.     The audience was then engaged in a SWOT Activity, wherein they were asked to write their professional Strength, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities over the distributed paper.   The above activity was then linked to the following Mask Activity, wherein all were asked to fill a human face with anything that would represent the elements of SWOT. The only requisite set was to make sure that at least each element from all four corners was represented in the mask.   The activity not only unleashed the creative side of our female employees but also fostered a sense of sharing amongst them, where they were observed to share color pencils and markers all around the room with each other.   Everyone in the room then took turns to share their masterpieces while everyone else guessed what their masks depicted. However, the creativity and thoughtfulness took everyone by surprise. One female said, “The last time I colored was in 6th grade,” while the other shared that she last colored at 3’0 clock, later adding that it was for her children.   In doing so, many stories, fears, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and schools of thought were shared. Topics of all kinds were discussed, starting from confidence, motherhood, family, and pets to life traumas, aspirations, islamophobia, women’s rights activism, economy, career enlargement, and leadership; all were invited to the table.   Over the occasion, the People and Culture Specialist, on behalf of the Human Resource Department and the company, introduced two of the note-worthy initiatives for the workforce. Initiative I: Performance Management System Continuing over the discussion of shattering the glass ceilings, the audience was informed that the company has said adios to the system of appraisal that is long obsolete, where only the favorite or the privileged perished. Instead, appraisals will now be evaluated over the set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to rule out favoritism of heads and unfair advantages to any gender. The company is all set to appraise the person who is doing the job right and not who pleases the boss most or on the basis of gender. Over this announcement, a female staff member said, “It is appreciable to say that I work in a place where my salary is the same as any of the guys working in my team at the same level.” Initiative II: We Hear You The female staff was made aware of another vital announcement pertaining to the setting up of an internal committee chaired by the Manager of HR (Male), Head of Quality Assurance (Female), Head of Digital Marketing (Female), and two other female associates of the company. It is done to make it easy for our employees to reach out to those they are comfortable with if they feel any discomfort at our work premises. Whether it be discriminatory, personal, physical, power, psychological, cyberbullying, retaliation, sexual, quid pro quo (this for that), third-party, or verbal harassment, these five members signed up to be actively available whenever needed. Our company’s people-driven philosophy enables us not just to know but remain conscious that society is not quite easy for a working woman. She is caught up with responsibilities that may not be similar to a working man, and we understand the sacrifices she makes for her career. These thoughts linger in her mind when she is at work, away from home, with a mind in two places, one with her family and the other with her workplace responsibility. Often, she shows up with pain of all kinds but a smile that hides it all. Yet, she amazes us every time with her power to prove herself as a mother, daughter, sister, wife, and professional expert in her work against every odd. To all such

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PPC Consultant: 5 Ways a PPC Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business

In the world of online businesses, more or less everyone is focused on one thing and one thing only, that is, GROWTH. Business owners try their best to put efforts into promoting their business on multiple platforms and forums to attract users or customers. They hire professionals or learn various digital marketing methods to increase leads and sales generation. One such method we will discuss today is the Pay-per-click (PPC) method. In this blog, you will get a chance to learn what PPC is, who is a PPC consultant and how they help businesses grow. What Is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Digital Marketing Strategy? Pay-per-click advertising, often known as PPC, is a type of digital marketing advertising strategy. This technique enables business owners to pay a charge or fee to have their website appear on the search engine result page. Due to its unlimited advantages, statistical reports predict that by 2024 firms are expected to spend $190.5 billion on search advertising globally. SERP will make sure to show the website whenever a user types in particular keywords or phrases. The advertisement you produce to drive traffic to your website will appear on the SERP, and the amount you are charged depends on every time your ad is clicked.  Benefits Of PPC Marketing Strategy Just like every other marketing strategy, the PPC marketing strategy has its own perks and benefits. Some of them are The factor that makes it different from other marketing strategies is that the PPC tactic focuses on advertising the business, which other marketing strategies don’t. One of the benefits of PPC advertising is that it is budget-friendly. You only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement, making it an affordable and cost-effective method of directing specific visitors to a landing page. Your PPC efforts might have a massive return on investment (ROI) rate if you can design a flawless user journey. PPC advertisements help you in reaching the audience quickly as compared to other marketing strategies that focus on increasing web traffic. Within hours of starting your campaign, you may quickly climb to the top of the SERP with optimized PPC advertising. PPC advertisements are a marketing strategy that allows you to test and try before starting the marketing campaign. This strategy allows marketers to do A/B split testing with several advertisements. The successful advertising can then be scaled up until they stop yielding the desired outcomes.  PPC is far more quantifiable and trackable than many other marketing strategies. Clicks, impressions, conversions, and the amount spent on PPC ads are all monitored and recorded. With this data, professionals can focus on the errors and strengths of their campaign for future reference.  PPC advertisements support scalability, which makes them highly preferred and useful, as we know that the ad fee is only charged when a user clicks on the ad. Therefore, if an advertising campaign is doing its best or the opposite, marketers will always have room to change their budget.  Who Is A PPC Consultant? It is a known fact that even though the PPC advertisement strategy is advantageous and gives fantastic results for business promotion and growth, this strategy is also complicated and complex as compared to other digital marketing strategies. A digital marketer can quickly learn multiple marketing strategies at the same time, but learning and excelling in the PPC advertisement domain is a task on its own. Therefore, businesses and companies prefer hiring a skilled PPC consultant for this purpose.  Now the question comes, who is a PPC consultant? Well, a professional in developing and creating PPC advertising strategies is called a PPC consultant. The best part about PPC consultation is that these professionals can operate alone, for a PPC-specific agency, or for a digital marketing firm that also provides PPC management services. Some of the duties of a PPC expert are Developing a clear-cut advertisement marketing strategy. Optimizing the website for search engines. Putting campaigns into action. Conduction of a competitive PPC analysis of campaigns to evaluate their effectiveness. Conduct thorough research for keywords, target audience, and competitors. Test the ads and modify the campaigns.  How Can PPC Consulting Skills Help In Lead Generation? Just like any other profession requires a skill set for an individual to have, the pay-per-click strategy also requires the team members to have some developed skills to provide the best PPC services and face every challenge and obstacle that comes the way. Below mentioned are some skills that are necessary for a PPC expert to possess in order to become successful and help businesses increase lead and sales generation. Time management Starting effectively managing is essential for a PPC consultant to manage time and fix deadlines as they may have to plan, carry out, and oversee paid advertising campaigns for a number of customers simultaneously. Sometimes these consultants work as a team which helps to divide the workload, but still, time management is a practical skill for PPC experts to have. Ad Copywriting One of the main tasks in PPC services is ad copywriting. It is necessary for experts to have creative writing skills for advertising content as advertisements are the central part of the whole campaign that will help in grabbing attention and increasing the conversion rate. PPC consultation requires consultants to do ad copywriting for different purposes like display, paid social, and search advertising campaigns.  Information Regarding Paid Advertising Networks To lead and carry out successful advertisement campaigns, PPC consultants must have in-depth knowledge of paid advertising networks, particularly Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. Understanding of Paid Social Networks  Social media networks or platforms are one of the best resources for increasing lead generation. The majority of smartphone users spend most of their time on these networks. Therefore, PPC consultants should have the skills necessary to supervise paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, as it helps in grabbing the attention of more and more users. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)  Account-Based management (ABM) is not a familiar process for other marketing strategies,

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A Detailed Guide to the Professional Email Marketing Team’s Anatomy

Digital marketing is a strategic method used for the promotion of businesses all over the world through online digital channels. Digital marketing includes multiple strategies and tactics for various online platforms. The goal is to focus on increasing user engagement through any relevant and resourceful platform. From Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Social Media Optimization (SMO), Influencer marketing to affiliated marketing, and many more techniques, email marketing team are now focusing on using emails as an effective source of promotion for businesses. In this article, we will learn about the underlying concept of email marketing, a professional email marketing team’s anatomy, and the benefits of email marketing. What Is Email Marketing? Email marketing is one of the many techniques of digital marketing used to promote brands, businesses, e-commerce shops, and industries. The statistical reports of email marketing have shown that the Return on Investment (ROI) rate of email marketing is massive and can increase revenue and sales.  How Does Email Marketing Work? Email marketing works just like regular emails are composed and sent to the required individual. The only thing that differs in this process is planning a whole marketing campaign. Obviously, you can not use informal language or repetitive or irrelevant information for an email marketing campaign. Your emails have to be precise and creative and should have the ability to attract customers, as no one likes reading long paragraphs of information that will not benefit them in any way. The way email marketing works is simple, the data of the user is obtained through different legal procedures like online transactions, verification, and registration system, and after that, this data is recorded in a database. Once an email marketing team designs a marketing campaign, the email is sent to the customers or users. Nowadays, email marketers work as freelancers, as a part of a digital marketing company working for on-site as well as Outsource Email Marketing. Types Of Email Generated For Email Marketing Email marketing is much more than creating a single type of email pattern and sending it to all users at the same time. No. An email marketing consultant is more focused on designing marketing campaigns to cater to all types of emails used in this regard. Some types of emails used in email marketing are Welcome Emails Newsletter Emails Lead Nurturing Emails Confirmation Emails Dedicated Emails Invite Emails Survey Emails Promotional Emails Seasonal Marketing Emails The Anatomy Of A Professional And Successful Email Marketing Team Until now, I am sure that the fact that email marketing has a lot more than regular email composition has been made clear. With so many types of emails generated for email marketing and multiple responsibilities to design and run successful marketing campaigns, it is necessary to have not one but various professionals on an email marketing team. These marketing consultants are professionals in their own designated fields, but they work together to promote the brand in multiple ways through innovation and uniqueness. In this section of the article, we will dive into the anatomy of an email marketing team and understand what each email marketing consultant is responsible for. An Email Marketing Strategist The start and end of any marketing campaign are based on a strategy that is followed and observed throughout the process. For this particular reason, the first person to have on an email marketing team is a professional strategist. The responsibility of the strategist is to develop a creative strategy for the marketing campaign, identify the goals and objectives that need to be fulfilled, and communicate the detailed plan of action with other teammates so that everyone is on the same page and the ratio of confusion and questions is lessened.  An Expert Project Manager Along with an expert email marketing strategist, hiring a talented project manager on the email marketing team is essential since both of these roles have a strong connection with the company’s or brand’s overall marketing goals. They must work closely to contribute to the overall success of the brand. The project manager is responsible for understanding the idea of an email marketing strategist and designing a plan of action for the campaign to become functional with a promising workflow. Division of tasks, setting essential deadlines, and cooperating and collaborating with teammates is what you will see a project manager doing in the whole process. An Email Copywriter Everyone knows an email is composed of words and sentences, basically information. The next space in the email marketing team is fulfilled by an excellent email copywriter. The task of a copywriter is pretty apparent. They are hired to create fascinating email bodies and subject lines that will attract the reader as soon as the email notification pops up on their screens. The text in an email designed for marketing purposes also includes call to action (CTAs) that direct the user to specific links or websites. The art of adding CTAs and personalization features is not known to many. Hence an email copywriter is an asset to the team.   The Email Designer Once the written part of the email marketing campaign is completed, it is time to transform the text into a visually appealing text body. The responsibilities of an email designer are to utilize graphical tools to add relevant images between the texts, set the color theme of the message, and make sure that the whole visual image is close to what the brand or company holds.  The Marketing Manager Next up in the line is a professional marketing manager. The responsibilities of a marketing manager are more closely related to managing the tasks of managing the whole marketing campaign, making sure that the deadlines are completed on time, creating a sense of collaboration amongst the teammates, and acting as a bridge between the email marketing team and the overall marketing team of the company or business.  An Email Developer Email developers are tech experts in the domain of email marketing. They make sure that the final product or result of an email

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IT Staff Augmentation: The Impact of AI in Software Development Industry

We know that artificial intelligence is a hot topic that everyone is discussing; some people have the curiosity to know more, and some say that soon artificial intelligence is going to replace human intelligence. It is expected that by the year 2030, AI software’s value may increase infinitely. It is becoming essential to upgrade yourself according to the most recent trends and popular software integrations that are taking place in the market. It is said that if you want to survive, you need to keep moving forward. Staying stagnant with old technology and beliefs will not let you survive in a world where technology is power. Software development AI has a larger impact on today’s industries, be they education, banking, production, textiles, design, or hospitality.  Let’s Explore The Future Of AI In Software Development  Most industries are still taking advantage of AI software-based technology to accelerate time-consuming tasks and master the art of technology with quality results. Organizations have increased the use of AI technologies, tools, and apps to enhance their productivity and the services that they provide. Along with the increasing demand for AI tools and techniques, the requirement for AI software development companies and an AI software developer is also increasing. Multiple enterprises are shifting towards software development to provide a healthy work-life balance to their employees and to deliver result-oriented services to their customers and target audience. If you are someone who wants to succeed in the coming future, then step into AI software development and shine bright by speeding up your career’s efficiency and purpose through AI technology and by learning how to develop such software that is valued in the technology market.  Learn More About AI Software Development Artificial Intelligence in software means that it is going to perform all cognitive functions like processing with speed, having the ability to boost learning and memorizing, providing verbal fluency, and working memory. It is said that AI is going to replace human efficiency and intelligence, but that is not true. What AI does is increase human efficiency by becoming an assistant and helping to perform tasks that might take longer to deliver results. A helping hand is not going to replace humans, but it is going to boost the level of productivity that a single human performs. The only reason that AI-based technologies are expanding is that they work on time-consuming tasks with accelerated and accurate processing. In the end, when tasks are meeting all deadlines with fruitful results by enhancing the delivery process, why won’t people utilize AI then? There are companies that offer AI software development services that can take you to the next level of success. Companies like Binate Digital have mastered the art of coding and combining creative programming languages to create exceptional, bug-free, and advanced tools that will never leave you or your goal behind.  Explore How Staff Augmentation is Linked to AI and the Software Industry. AI is a game changer for not only the IT industry but every industry is taking advantage as artificial intelligence provides platforms that can face any sort of challenge. It brings up solutions that are easier to perform and avoid risks for almost every company that provides services. Artificial intelligence is working as staff augmentation by working in place of people who used to assist and by handling tasks that need more observation and time. We all know that IT staff augmentation has become an essential part of any IT company.  Staff Augmentation: How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Various IT Areas Artificial Industry is shifting the course of work and productivity. We cannot deny AI’s value, as it is not replacing human power but making human-based work easier by becoming a helping hand. Most wise entrepreneurs are embracing the power of AI, utilizing emerging technology to its full potential, and utilizing AI software development services too. We are going to learn about some tasks for which AI is providing assistance to make procedures more efficient and productive.  AI technology being used in software testing  AI technology provides reliable suggestions The AI-based technology provides bug fixes  It also provides real-time feedback  AI is helping with time-consuming tasks It has the ability to analyze user’s behavior AI Technology Being Used In Software Testing Once the software is made, developers tend to run it through AI testing tools in order to identify bugs or any other glitches that might occur in the software. AI software developers create these tools to provide assistance to other engineers who are going to work on different software. AI assures quality by rechecking and identifying bugs. Yes, we can say that AI testing tools cannot be compared to human testing, but they provide a background for human minds to work on and gain a better understanding in a short time. AI cannot assess emotions or users’ interfaces. This shows that human efficiency will never be replaced, but yes, AI can speed up the testing process by providing the help that a human brain needs.  AI Technology Provides Reliable Suggestions No one ever imagined a few years ago that a computer could provide suggestions too, but yes, technology has changed the way things work now. Developers and scientists enter the necessary data into any AI tool, and once the data is entered, the high-quality features of AI technology perform assessments and analyze the problem afterward, providing an accurate solution. There are multiple solutions provided that, if processed by human intelligence, would take months to solve and identify, but AI technology might take just a few minutes to perform analysis and refer suggestions to the entered data. Although once the suggestions are laid out, a human analyst chooses the best option that can be applied to solve the problem, which means human observation and reliability cannot be replaced, yes, it can speed up with AI’s assistance.  AI-Based Technology Provides Bug Fixes Bug fixes are now possible with Intelligence that is artificial yet useful. These extraordinary tools can look into a problem and identify the root

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5 best programming languages for AI artificial intelligence

5 Best Programming Languages For AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial intelligence has gained success in the past few years and is moving ahead through advancement and by using modified technologies with the help of programming languages. Artificial Intelligence is utilized by every person in today’s world, which is fueled by technology and multiple coding languages. People are becoming so habitual about using AI technology that they cannot live without it.  AI-powered tools and apps are handy, and users utilize these apps in all scenarios, from homes to offices and schools to universities. Some people say they don’t use AI tools, but they are unaware that the apps that they use are based on AI technology. As technology breaches its limits, people are becoming more dependent on AI tools to do their bidding. In short, people are making their lives easier with the use of Artificial Intelligence.  The Creation Of Artificial Intelligence Using AI Programming Languages Putting life into a technical idea is not possible without AI programming languages nowadays. We all know that a developer’s tool is his programming language, and he is nothing without those tools. A developer spends days and nights creating and coordinating code using the best programming languages for AI. We cannot deny the fact that Artificial Intelligence is a complex system built through multiple combinations of programming languages. AI might seem easy and accessible, but the hands behind its creation have put in a lot of effort working on the project day and night to introduce a technology that will shift the way the world moves and rhythms with societal changes that are occurring with time.  Get To Know How Artificial Technology Is Developed The AI technology that has come to life has made it possible in every way to solve problems and generate unique solutions. We can say that making a program that utilizes AI technology is not a piece of cake. The first thing that developers consider before making AI software is that they ask themselves some questions like, “What issue am I trying to solve?” What will be the result of the process that AI programming languages are trying to solve?  Asking these particular questions leads a developer to choose what category they’ll be putting their efforts into. ML, also known as Machine Langauge, is used for data processing or making use of CV, also known as computer vision, to drive meaningful information from all sorts of media. The next procedure that is taken by the developers is calculating the amount of data that should be used in making an AI technology. The advanced algorithms and the languages used for AI created by powering up AI technology are exceptional, but still, the type of data you enter still matters a lot. Low-quality data will eventually result in undesirable outcomes. This is the main reason that a developer enters data that makes proper sense, and in return, optimized and unique outputs are generated once the programming language builds its coding structure.  Let’s Learn About The Best Programming Languages For AI (Artificial Intelligence) There are multiple general programming languages that can be used for AI programming, but there are also numerous advanced technological programming languages. As mentioned earlier, AI is a combination of ML and AI, and we are going to learn more about the major features of these programming languages. There are other ways of learning programming languages, such as through a degree or independent study through multiple online courses and coding boot camps. The more you step towards AI and dive into the waves of programming languages, the more you’ll have to keep learning because technology is evolving with speed and will not stop at any point. 5 Best Programming Languages For AI (Artificial Intelligence) Artificial Intelligence is making its way to the top of the market and is becoming an essential technology in today’s world, which is used in various processes like learning and progressing or helping in task completion. There are multiple programming languages, but today we are going to discuss the five best programming languages for AI that are mostly used to create exceptional and smooth-working AI tools. These five programming languages are listed below:  Python  Java  Prolog  Lisp  C++ 1) Python: The Best Programming Language Used For AI Development Python is the programming language used for the development of artificial intelligence due to its simplicity and ease of coding. It has a vast framework for machine language and neutral language as well. It’s known as the most powerful and suitable programming language that anyone can learn and start working on. Most highly skilled developers choose Python as their best tool for the development of artificial intelligence solutions and apps. Python is known worldwide, and it cannot be replaced due to its uniqueness. This is the language used for AI, making the user experience easy and appreciable. Features Of Python, Making It A Unique Programming Language Provides an easy learning model for most approaching developers A dynamically- typed language helps developers  It’s known for its object-oriented language It has a framework that is open-source Will always provide interpreted language solutions  Python Is Regarded As The Best Programming Language For Artificial Intelligence Among developers and the world of technology, Python is known to be on the top list of the best programming languages, as it is easy to grasp and understand. Its extremely flexible and easily interpreted language takes an idea that is just an imagination and converts it into data, producing an excellent AI tool. It’s well integrated and does not need to start from the basics, as it has its own default ready-to-work framework that is known as an open-source project. One of the most unique characteristics that Python possesses is that it’s well-documented. It means it provides learning opportunities for developers in case they need any help. Python is structured in a way that is simple to read and perform. Having an independent platform provides results that no other programming language can.   2) Java: The Best Programming Language Used For AI Development When it comes

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What Is Staff Augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

In a world where the demand for services is increasing rapidly, companies need to cover a percentage of the demand curve. Now the question that is mostly asked is, “What is staff augmentation?” Let us answer this first. We know that most companies do have a large workforce to meet those demand models and services brought into the market, but most companies do not have a large workforce. Companies with a handful of employees and too much workload usually assign tasks to external talent in order to meet the target deadlines for the projects without putting a lot of pressure on the internal team. Most organizations are trying to balance the productivity ratio and the money they invest in attaining the desired goals, which leads to staff augmentation. Most IT companies utilize staff augmentation as there is a lot of tech talent roaming around the world, and taking help from that talent is a win-win for both parties and leads to a greater goal.  Staff Augmentation: An Overview Numerous companies balance their project deliveries by tapping into temporary staff to distribute the workload that is on the in-house team. It allows a company to work every day with increased production under the observation of in-house management to keep an eye on the project deliverables. Staff augmentation works as a bridge by providing the capacity for long-term and short-term project submissions. Enterprises can grab the most prominent, talented, and skilled experts at a fraction of the cost as compared to hiring a permanent employee.  A Four-Step Process For Staff Augmentation Let’s get to know how to get into the staff augmentation model. To ensure the completion and quality results of pending projects, when a company hires an IT staff augmentation company to provide staff augmentation for the company, it’s the vendor’s responsibility to look for the best candidate and set them up for the company’s tasks, and the company conducts interviews and seals the deal by signing the contract. The steps are mentioned below: Conduct a proper analysis Consider the talent and skills  Get started with onboarding  Provide ongoing support Staff Augmentation: Key To A Robust Workforce Saving costs and leveling up with the demand curve, most companies select the most talented professionals and save their costs at the same time to deliver productivity, quality, and timely delivery, ensuring success. They task their augmented staff with the work that needs more focus and provide a work-life balance for other employees. Happy employees are equal to a company’s success.  Don’t Get Confused Between Staff Augmentation And Outsourcing Always know that staff augmentation and outsourcing are not similar. They possess different properties, but yes, we can say that the goal is the same. Staff augmentation basically brings people into your company that is led by a team leader provided by the company. Whereas in outsourcing, the project is tasked outside the workforce to be done by other third parties. It should be noted that augmentation vendors provide particular talent to handle bits of assigned projects by providing some developers, but the company’s technical leader leads them. We can say that an outsourcing vendor manages and handles the whole project.  Staff Augmentation Vs. Outsourcing: Let’s Compare In staff augmentation, the company that is hiring the staff bears the cost of training the employee hired to fill the gaps, and it’s the company’s responsibility to provide the tools needed to work on the project. But if we talk about outsourcing, the outsourcing company handles the project with complete responsibility and has its own tools and a lead technician to guide the team’s developers.  Staff Augmentation is used to fill gaps that a company has due to any reason. Augmented staff is temporary and can be hired for short-term projects. Although an outsourcing company’s purpose is to provide a complete project without hiring engineers and other talents, they just give up their projects with a deadline to be completed on assigned dates.  Augmentation staff will always need the supervision of the company’s management, and the company can be involved in the process that is led by the team. The outsourcing team does not work with the management of the company and likes to work independently, although they themselves share updates regarding the projects.  Looking at the above differences, we now know what is staff augmentation. We also know that It is a model created for organizations and external resources to work together on the same project for the progress of the project. This is smart working in today’s world, where only smart working can lead you and your enterprise ahead. Staff augmentation and outsourcing both serve their purpose of lifting the company’s value and managing project deliveries on time.  Learn About The Types Of Staff Augmentation Models There are many staff augmentation models, but we are going to mention some of them. We will provide the necessary information, and then it’s up to you to choose the most beneficial type for your company.  Going For Traditional Staff Augmentation This staff augmentation model involves asking a staffing agency and then hiring some of their most related resources that are required for project delivery. Hiring a temporary workforce that is referred by an agency or a service provider helps you build trust, and the agency is responsible if anything goes sideways. It can be utilized for any sort of project or task completion. Traditional staff augmentation allows you to choose a resource that best fits the requirements of the project.  Engaging With Independent Contractors There are a number of workers providing services that are based on contracts that a company searches for and engages directly with the contractor. These contractors are useful for any company’s projects in terms of providing focus, and the contractor will have a personal interest in the project. These contractors are highly skilled, which means you can hire a contractor for multiple projects, and the share that the staffing agency charges is also saved when you hire an independent contractor. Hiring Master Vendor

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Best SEO Agency Primelis And Other Alternatives – Binate Digital

Digital marketing has made its place in the world of technological advancements with the wide variety of strategies and techniques it has to offer. Companies and industries look forward to digital marketers promoting their names on different platforms and forums. One of the kinds of digital marketing strategies is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO services have their roots in the past as well, but they got more highlighted when industries and businesses switched to digitalization and online networking.  In this article, we will review the best SEO Agency Primelis. Furthermore, the services of Primelis and other alternatives for an SEO company will also be discussed.  What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that helps brands and businesses to maximize their chances of occurring in the top list of search engines. By doing so, the SEO technique has proven itself to be a helpful way of increasing web traffic on websites. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a broader term for the marketing strategy, which then includes other tasks and techniques to carry out the whole process.  Statistical Findings Regarding The Usefulness OF Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Here are some statistical findings regarding the widely used marketing strategy, SEO. These facts and figures keep on changing and increasing every year, which highlights that Search Engine Optimization has proven to be beneficial for marketing and promotion. Some of these findings are: Search engines are used to launch 68% of internet activities. Organic search accounts for 53.3% of all website visits. Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps collectively account for 92.96% of all traffic on the Internet. SEO generates traffic at a rate of 1,000% or more than natural social media. Benefits Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing Tactic The mind-blowing statistics of SEO marketing strategy make everyone wonder how a single technique can benefit a business this much. In this section of the article, we will highlight some of the many benefits of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technique.  Brings organic traffic.  Cost-effective solution. Promotes brand awareness. Increases media visibility. Improves customer trust. Amazing way to improve and optimize the website for mobile users. Brings Organic Traffic The first benefit of opting for an SEO marketing strategy is that it helps to bring organic traffic to the website rather than generic traffic. Sometimes, a brand is doing its best to create content and improve customer service and the quality of products, but still, they lack customer attention and presence. One reason for this situation could be that their website is not being highlighted in search engines or that their website is not gaining web traffic. In such cases, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps a lot as it focuses on bringing relevant and organic traffic to the website rather than generic and irrelevant traffic.  Cost-Effective Solution Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a cost-effective solution when it comes to following a marketing strategy. By following specific technical guidelines and the latest trends, SEO specialists can easily upgrade the marketing game of a company or industry by providing affordable SEO services. Another way of doing so is by hiring SEO freelancers or outsourcing your company’s SEO department to a third party or a SEO outsourcing company. This way, you can save some money and spend it on other business affairs. Promotes Brand Awareness The aim of every brand, business, and company is to be famous among people. Companies and businesses often conduct marketing campaigns and spend plenty of money in order to increase their brand awareness. While other marketing strategies might help in doing so, Seach Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy not only helps in promoting brand awareness amongst related people but it focuses on global brand awareness by increasing the chances of search engine visibility. Increases Media Visibility Media Visibility plays a considerable role when it comes to maintaining and running an online business or having a presence on social media platforms. With the help of SEO services and techniques, brands and businesses are now able to connect with customers as well as increase their media visibility through different media forums.  Improves Customer Trust Once your brand website is visible in search engines and you have maintained good media visibility as well as have succeeded in increasing the organic web traffic, customers start to put their trust in your brand. This helps in building a positive relationship with the users and increases sales generation as well as brand reputation.  Optimizes The Website For Mobile Users It is a known fact that mobile phone devices are the most frequently used devices when it comes to technological advancements. With more and more people utilizing this tech gadget and multiple websites developed for different brands and businesses, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing strategy is one of the best ways to optimize the website for mobile users. In this way, your website will be viewed and visited more by consumers.  Best SEO Agency Premilis: What Is SEO Primelis? With the rise in following SEO marketing trends and agencies and freelancers providing professional and affordable SEO services, companies and industries moved to consider outsourcing SEO methods. Currently, there are multiple digital marketing companies that offer their professional consultancy in SEO marketing tactics or overall digital marketing strategies. We will now dig deeper into one of the famous and best SEO agencies named Primelis.  Primelis is a reputable and trustworthy SEO agency which is located in France. It got developed in 2009 and has been serving clients and companies from various parts of the world. They specialize in search engine optimization (SEO) as well as provide a variety of digital marketing services. Primelis helps companies in enhancing their organic website traffic and raise their online presence. How Does SEO Company Primelis Work In Benefiting Businesses And Companies? The top SEO company Primelis has helped multiple businesses and companies to excel in their marketing strategies and build increased customer usage. Their main goals are to comprehend the fundamental search algorithm

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